Holmfirth Writers' Group / News / Thu 19 Jun 2014
Yurt Festival July 1st - 5th Programme

The Programme for the Felted Yorkshire Yurt Festival is out, and there is a huge variety of events for every age, from 9.30am - 10.30 at night. To see the stunning felted panels by Sue Clay, you have to come to one of the events. There are only 5 days ever when you can see them, so don't miss out! Tickets at the door, limited numbers. or book in advance at Holmfirth Tourist Office, 01484 222444.
The schools programme is fully booked already. Also, Holmfirth Writers' Group have done a series of Poetry/Picture workshops across the Holme Valley, to create Picture Postcards with poetry written by all the participants. These are now strung up on ribbons round Holmfirth for the Holmfirth Arts Festival, and are on sale at the Tourist Office. They will then move to Holme to decorate the outside of the Yurt when it goes up on June 30th. The Postcards will be on sale in the Yurt. See below for the full programme Tuesday July 1st to Saturday July 5th.
Barbeque all day Saturday and Sunday in addition to the Family barbeque each evening. (Shaun Heap, local farmer)