Holmfirth Arts Festival

Holmfirth Arts Festival / News / Tue 17 Aug 2021

Volunteers needed for Holmfirth Arts Festival 2021

Volunteers needed for Holmfirth Arts Festival 2021

VOLUNTEERS are needed to help run Holmfirth Arts Festival 2021.

The annual event is one of Yorkshire’s best small festivals and is set to attract a socially distanced crowd to the capital of the Holme Valley, over the weekend of 17-19 September.

Energy and enthusiasm are the key requirements to help bring top class performance, street theatre, music, comedy and much more to the town.

Festival director Bev Adams said: “This is a great opportunity to meet new people and get involved gain some experience in what is involved in running a festival or live event, which sees thousands of people over a weekend.

“After Due to the restrictions of the pandemic last year, the festival moved online, so we are relishing the chance to get back onto the streets and in the wonderful venues of Holmfirth, with a brilliant live performances.”

She said the festival, which is funded mainly by the Arts Council England, could not function without the help of volunteers.

Volunteers, who must be over 18, will help run, and will support the professional festival team, working with existing Festival Supporters and Board of Trustees, to help set up, manage and welcome people to the event, marshall crowds, help to ensure the live parade runs smoothly, help with directions and general duties. acting as stewards and front of house staff as well as providing information visitors and support for artists.

To get involved please email Greta Bradley (co-chair of Festival Supporters) gretabradley@btinternet.com and see w https://www.holmfirthartsfestival.co.uk/supportus for more information.

For more information visit http://www.holmfirthartsfestival.co.uk/

News Location

Holmfirth Civic Hall

Huddersfield Road

Email: director@holmfirthartsfestival.co.uk
Website: http://www.holmfirthartsfestival.co.uk/

News Details
