Holme Valley Sharing Memories / Events / Wed 21 Jan to Sat 07 Feb 2015 (3 weeks)
Through the Window

Holme Valley Sharing Memories, a local arts group for older people based in Holmfirth, is encouraging New Year visitors to the Lawrence Batley Theatre to its ‘Through the Window’ exhibition to see the results of its latest textile project on display until Saturday 7th February. The exhibition is the culmination of six months of work with other local groups, including children with special needs and adults recovering from mental health issues.
For more information visit http://www.sharingmemories.org.uk/
Event Location
Lawrence Batley Theatre
Queen street
Telephone: 07950 870 864
Email: sally-brown@btconnect.com
Website: http://www.sharingmemories.org.uk/