Holme Valley Sharing Memories / News / Thu 17 Jan 2019
'Make Yourself At Home' project unites community groups in Kirkl

24th January-21st February The Packhorse Centre, Huddersfield
An arts project, which focuses on the theme of ‘home’, has united three local community groups.
The ‘Make Yourself At Home’project involved members of Holme Valley Sharing Memories, a local group for older people based in Holmfirth, working alongside adults with learning disabilities from The Bridgewood Trust, and adults recovering from mental health issues at Enfield down in Honley.
The final exhibition will be on show daily from 10am-3pm at The Packhorse Centre in Huddersfield from 24th January to 21st February and from the end of February onwards in the café at Holmfirth Tech.
All the participants worked with Sharing Memories artists Colette Cummings and Richard Loughridge to create a series of cardboard houses which represented what they felt about the theme of ‘home’.
These were decorated with hand-made stamp designs which reflected what was important about the notion of home – images such as teapots, pets or musical instruments.
Participants also recorded their memories of where they grew up and what makes home special to them. These recordings have been turned into a soundscape which will play alongside the exhibition.
Project manager, Sally Brown, said:
“Projects like this offer opportunities for groups to work alongside each other and share their life experiences in a positive environment which gives all the participants self-confidence.
“The theme of home really inspired everyone to produce some fantastic work.”
Holme Valley Sharing Memories is currently looking for new recruits, aged 70 and over. One of its aims is to bring older people together to share their memories of the past with each other and the wider community, and use these shared memories to create high quality artworks.
The group meets every Thursday afternoon between 1pm and 3.30pm at The Phoenix Centre in Holmfirth and free transport to and from the meetings is provided. If you live in or near the Holme Valley and would like to find out more about joining Sharing Memories you can contact project manager Sally Brown on 07950 870864, or email sally-brown@btconnect.com
The ‘Make Yourself At Home’ project has been generously funded by Creative Minds (South West Yorkshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust) and the One Community Foundation.
To make a donation to the group go to www.localgiving.com and search on Holme Valley Sharing Memories.
The attached photo shows some of the work which will be displayed at the ‘Make Yourself At Home’ exhibition.
For more information contact Sally Brown, Project Manager, Holme Valley Sharing Memories on 01484 968551 or 07950 870864 or email sally-brown@btconnect.com
For more information visit http://www.sharingmemories.org.uk/cms/
News Location
The Packhorse Centre
Packhorse Walk, King St, Huddersfield HD1 2RT
Telephone: 07950 870 864
Email: sally-brown@btconnect.com
Website: http://www.sharingmemories.org.uk/cms/