Holme Valley Sharing Memories / Events / Sun 15 Jun 2014

Holmfirth Arts Festival Sunday 15th June – performances at 12 noon and 2pm (participants to meet at 11.30pm and 1.30pm at the end of Hollowgate, beyond the Elephant & Castle pub in Holmfirth)
• Are you aged 8 or above?
• Can you ride a bike?
• Would you like to be part of this year’s Holmfirth Arts Festival?
• Can you help us create a World Premiere performance?
• Are you available on Sunday 15th June?
Holmfirth Arts Festival is looking for 111 volunteers (yes one hundred and eleven exactly) to take part in a mass cycling event on Sunday 15th June. You don’t have to be a serious cyclist to take part, as long as you are aged 8 or over, capable of cycling a short route around the centre of Holmfirth and have your own bike. If you're under 16, you'll need to be accompanied on the ride by a parent or carer - everyone taking part will need their own bike, helmet and working bicycle bell.
The event is called Eine Brise (A Breeze) and you will be cycling, whistling, ringing your bell and singing as you go! No previous experience necessary … just turn up with your bicycle, bell and helmet and all will be revealed! This performance will be the Yorkshire premiere and in order for it to be a world premiere, we will need all 111 cyclists - please help us achieve this in Holmfirth!
If you would like to participate in the performance, or act as a volunteer marshall, please email us at bike@holmfirthartsfestival.co.uk or visit our website www.holmfirthartsfestival.co.uk to find out more.
For more information visit http://www.holmfirthartsfestival.co.uk/
Event Location
Email: bike@holmfirthartsfestival.co.uk
Website: http://www.holmfirthartsfestival.co.uk/