Holmfirth – meet in Victoria Park, off Huddersfield Road
£6 / £4
On Whit Monday 1944, a glorious sunny day, the people of Holmfirth were celebrating the end of the Whit walk with a communal sing in the park. Then the sky turned black, the heavens opened and a 15 foot wall of water hit the town.
Join the crowd, after this year’s sing (free event - see www.holmfirthartsfestival.co.uk for details) for a walk around the town to hear what happened.
We conclude in Helen Bray’s Studio with a wine reception and the exhibition of Harry Bray’s photographs of the flood. The walk lasts 1.5 hours – advance booking recommended.
For more information visit http://www.holmfirthartsfestival.co.uk/events/1944-flood-walk/