Meet at Fieldhead Lane Car Park, Digley Reservoir, Holmfirth HD9 2QJ
£5 / £3
On the bright moonlit night of 5th February 1852 the walls of Bilberry Reservoir burst. Over 50 years later, follow the path of the ‘roar of water’ that swept through the steep and narrow valley, with disastrous consequences. Hear the tales of those who lost their lives and those who survived.
The walk lasts 3.5 hours and is of moderate difficulty. Walkers are advised to leave one car in the car park at Digley and one at Hinchliffe Mill (end of walk).
Alternatively, bus 314 leaves Holmfirth bus station at 10.06 am and arrives in Holme village at 10.18am - from here it’s a 15 minute easy walk along Fieldhead Lane to the car park at Digley Reservoir. Buses from Hinchliffe Mill to Holmfirth are hourly on Sundays.
For more information visit http://www.holmfirthartsfestival.co.uk/events/1852-flood-walk/