I like to express myself in a variety of different ways, depending on mood and what I'm trying to convey.
The beauty of photography is you can catch an eternal memory of something that is normally often seen once, then forgotten, or perhaps changes so you can never see it in the same way again. I believe many people can look at the same thing, but see it very differently. I try to capture the world as I see it.
Fine art
I mostly work in acrylics and pencils. Sometimes I prefer to work through fine art as I feel I can be expressive in a more obvious way. I try to portray what I think or feel when I look at something, rather than just what I see.
Jewellery & Clothes
"LISTER" (Love Is Saving The Environment. RECYCLE) collection. Earrings, necklaces, bracelets made from recycled junk and material. I like making stuff from stuff I have found, no longer want, or have bought from a charity shop. All these items will be sold when I have finished my website. A proportion of the money will go to various charities and community projects.
* * *
I am currently focusing on my freelance photography (see my news), and now have a long-term contract set up with one organisation. I am currently accepting work in Lancaster as that is where I am based at the moment. If you would like to discuss possible work of any kind, please contact me: hollijaynephotography@live.co.uk
My site has now been updated! Thanks to HelloWebDesign (www.hellowebdesign.co.uk) for putting it together for me! A shop will be available in the near future, and profits will be given to various charities and local and international projects.
View my website http://www.hollijayne.com/
My Location
Email: holli-jayne@outlook.com
Website: http://www.hollijayne.com/
My News
Freelance Photography - Holli Jayne / Sun 05 Jun 2011
I am now focusing on freelance photography projects. I am willing to do many kinds of work at request, so please get in touch - I am very flexible! I...
My Friends
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