Herts & Middlesex Wildlife Trust / Events / Tue 02 Feb 2021
Wild at Home - Winter Garden Birds - Online

Join us for a fun, family-focussed hour, talking about all the birds you might see if your garden and local area during the winter. There will be questionnaires, handouts and things you can do in your own garden to help birds.
Presenter: Josh Kalms, People and Wildlife Officer, Herts and Middlesex Wildlife Trust
Please note if you are unable to join us live, you can still register to receive a "replay" link after the event and watch the presentation in your own time.
Suitable for children but all welcome. FREE - registration required and donations are welcomed (suggested £5 per registration).
For more information visit https://www.hertswildlifetrust.org.uk/events/2021-02-02-wild-home-winter-garden-birds
Event Location
At home
Telephone: 01727 858 901
Email: events@hmwt.org
Website: https://www.hertswildlifetrust.org.uk/events/2021-02-02-wild-home-winter-garden-birds