Herts & Middlesex Wildlife Trust / Events / Sun 19 Jun 2022
Nature Journalling - Wildflowers

Join us at Frogmore Meadows for an introductory look at nature journalling. The whole ethos of nature journalling is to ask the question – WHY? and then try to answer the question with various nature journalling techniques.
Local artist and Trust volunteer Marieke Bosman will introduce the basics of how to get started, show simple techniques you can try in the field and help you start your own nature journal.
Suitable for all ages and families very welcome.
We are also offering an online session on Tuesday 10th May as an initial introduction to nature journalling. Details and booking on our website.
Free event - suggested donation £5 per person. Booking essential as spaces are limited.
For more information visit https://www.hertswildlifetrust.org.uk/events/2022-06-19-nature-journalling-wildflowers
Event Location
Frogmore Meadows
Telephone: 01727 858 901
Email: events@hmwt.org
Website: https://www.hertswildlifetrust.org.uk/events/2022-06-19-nature-journalling-wildflowers