Hitchin Chamber Orchestra / Events / Sat 05 Mar 2016
Hitchin Chamber Orchestra Concert

Following on from its highly successful capacity audience concert in November, Hitchin Chamber Orchestra returns to the stage on March 5th at 7.30pm at St. Mary's Church, Hitchin to present another evening of sumptuous music, which we would love to share with you!
The programme revolves around two masterpieces of the string repertoire; Bach's 4th Brandenburg concerto presents the virtuosic displays of three soloists - violin and two recorders - and will be directed from the harpsichord by visiting maestro and Bach specialist, Dr Warwick Cole.
The second part of the evening will offer a rare opportunity to hear the masterful Serenade for Strings composed in 1892 by Dvorak's pupil, Josef Suk, a four movement work on a symphonic scale, immersing the audience in the full breadth of musical expression.
The programme is completed with Corelli's inimitable and much loved Christmas Concerto, a charming movement from John Ireland's Downland Suite, and the premiere performance of an arrangement of Simon Jeffes' Perpetuum Mobile (Penguin Cafe).
For more information visit http://hitchinchamberorchestra.org/concerts3.html
Event Location
St. Mary's Church Hitchin
Churchyard, Hitchin, SG5 1HP
Email: hitchinchamberorch@gmail.com
Website: http://hitchinchamberorchestra.org/concerts3.html