High Gain Promotions / Opportunities / Tue 03 Jan 2012
Youth Artist / Bands Required

We're pleased to say that we will be bringing Under 18 shows back to Horsham Youth Centre from Friday 13th January 2011, every second Friday of the month.
We're looking for local young bands that are interested in playing, and hope to offer opportunities for them to showcase talent! If you're interested in playing please submit your details here. (https://docs.google.com/a/horshamlive.co.uk/spreadsheet/viewform?hl=en_GB&formkey=dDlfM0tZdDVUdWwyRnI4SDh1Q0JyeGc6MA#gid=0)
For more information visit https://docs.google.com/a/horshamlive.co.uk/spreadsheet/viewform?hl=en_GB&formkey=dDlfM0tZdDVUdWwyRnI4SDh1Q0JyeGc6MA#gid=0
Opportunity Location
Horsham Youth Centre
Hurst road
West Sussex
RH12 2DN
RH12 2DN
Telephone: 01403 888 005
Email: sam@highgainlive.co.uk
Website: https://docs.google.com/a/horshamlive.co.uk/spreadsheet/viewform?hl=en_GB&formkey=dDlfM0tZdDVUdWwyRnI4SDh1Q0JyeGc6MA#gid=0