High Gain Promotions / Opportunities / Fri 03 Feb 2012
Production Crew Wanted

We are currently recruiting volunteers for a range of positions as part of our events team to help run events in and around Horsham, including monthly live music events for young people. Volunteering is a great way to build new skills and meet new people, and fits in around your other work or study committments.
Positions include:-
Event Crew
Production Runner
Press and Marketing Assistant
Pre-Event Production Assistant
Sound Engineer
Volunteer Event Steward
Paid Event Crew
Paid Door Supervisor
Please read the individual job descriptions above to find out more about each role. Recruitment will be by informal interview, we do have limited places.
To apply click here. (https://sites.google.com/a/horshamlive.co.uk/highgain-promotions/volunteerapp)
For more information visit http://www.highgainlive.co.uk/
Opportunity Location
Horsham Youth Centre
Telephone: 01403 888 005
Email: sam@highgainlive.co.uk
Website: http://www.highgainlive.co.uk/