HertsCreation are project managing the development and delivery of a Young Cultural Ambassadors scheme in partnership with Royal Opera House (ROH) Bridge, The Wroxham and Sir John Lawes Teaching Schools, their school alliances and local cultural partners in Hertfordshire. The pilot programme (2013-14), working with 6 schools and over 60 young people, has been a great success.
Applications are currently invited from primary and secondary schools in Hertfordshire for 10 places on the second round of the scheme which will run during 2014-15. We anticipate engagement of up to 12 young people in each school. This is an opportunity for schools to be engaged in shaping an exciting new leadership initiative for young people within their schools.
The programme aims to increase opportunities for young people to participate in the arts and culture, develop leadership skills, and create new connections between young people in primary (KS2) and secondary schools and cultural organisations in Hertfordshire. It supports young people to champion and enhance their local cultural offer and increase engagement in cultural activity amongst their peers.