HertsCreation C.I.C / Opportunities / Mon 06 Oct 2014
Hertfordshire Youth Arts Calendar - Free Publicity!

Calling all Arts and Cultural Organisations in Hertfordshire.
FREE Publicity offered for your events in the Youth Arts Calendar of the Hertfordshire Young Cultural Ambassadors (YCA) Programme 2014-2015. Copy Deadline: Monday, October 6th.
The Hertfordshire YCA programme is co-funded by the Royal Opera House Bridge working in partnership with Sir John Lawes and The Wroxham Teaching Schools, their school alliances and local cultural partners in Hertfordshire. HertsCreation Community Interest Company manages the project. Now in its second year, the Herts YCA programme will work across 10 schools involving up to 12 young people in each school during the 2014-2015 academic year. The programme aims to develop youth leadership and deepen relationships between young people and arts and cultural organisations in Hertfordshire.
We are creating a youth arts calendar of selected events and programmes across Hertfordshire for inclusion in our YCA toolkit.
• Do you have a schools, families or young person’s offer that you would like to publicise?
• Is the offer free or low-cost?
What’s in it for you?
• Your event or programme will be included in the HertsYCA toolkit for teachers and YCAs across 10 schools.
• YCAs may tell their school and community about your event.
• They may participate in your event / programme or encourage their peers to get involved. If YCAs are interested in your work, YCAs may undertake a blog post on the website publlicising your work. YCAs may seek to develop a longer-term partnership between your organisation and their school.
What do you need to do?
Please send us:
• 1 image
• Name of event or programme
• Location
• When – dates, times of event.
• Type of event (e.g. workshop, performance, exhibition)
• Two sentences about the event (50 words max)
• Cost
• How to book
• Website or contact details for further information
Email information to Alex@hertscreation.com including ‘HertsYCA Calendar’ in the subject line. Do get in touch if you would like more information about the programme or have other ideas about how you and your organisation would like to be involved.
Deadline for submissions Monday 6 October 2014
For more information visit http://hertscreation.com/2014/09/17/hertfordshire-young-cultural-ambassadors-youth-arts-calendar/