Herts Visual Arts / Events / Sat 07 to Sun 29 Sep 2013 (3 weeks)
Herts Open Studios 2013

Herts Open Studios is now in its 23rd year, 25,000 printed brochures listing the venues have been distributed in libraries, galleries and other outlets across the county. Yet, surprisingly there are still people who have never heard of Open Studios. It’s a time when Hertfordshire’s established, emerging and amateur artists open their doors to the public. Artists show a wide range of work – and visitors can buy if they want to. It’s an opportunity to talk to artists in their own creative settings, own a piece of original artwork, or buy that special gift such as jewellery or collectibles. Many artists and makers welcome commissions.
Herts Open Studios 7 - 29 September 2013
Brochures now available from libraries, tourist information offices and art venues, or visit www.hvaf.org.uk to download a full colour pdf brochure or email openstudios@hvaf.org.uk.
For more information visit http://www.hvaf.org.uk/Open-Studios/Open-Studios-2013/