Membership Offer
From 1 October, HVAF membership is available for the reduced fee of £22.50.
This covers the period from joining until 31 March 2024. As a new member, you can join in with the Members’ Conference in January, area meet-ups AND any opportunities posted on the website. You will also be eligible for the early renewal discount for 2024/25.
Now’s the Time!
Our members have told us what they most value about being part of HVAF:
• Meeting/networking with other artists
• Opportunities to take part in events
• Support to showcase and sell their work
• Being part of an artistic community, sharing and learning together
Do these benefits appeal to you?
With our fantastic early bird membership offer, now is the perfect time to get involved and enjoy being part of the HVAF community.
For more information visit https://www.hvaf.org.uk/membership