Herts Viewpoint / Opportunities / Tue 30 Mar 2021
Free Creative Writing/Poetry for North Hertfordshire Residents

Creative Writing and Poetry Peer Support Group
Do you live in North Hertfordshire and would like to open your creative potential?
We are offering men and women with mental health and/or addiction challenges an opportunity to join creative expression sessions.
Our Poetry and Creative Writing Group:
Will be on every Tuesday at 6PM - 7PM starting on the 30th of March and will consist of 12 sessions in total. By confirming attendance, you are committing to attending all of the sessions. You only need to register for the first date to confirm all sessions.
The group will consist of poetry and creative writing pieces, set around different themes and shared with eachother weekly. It will also be an opportunity for individuals to create new connections and problem solve.
Each group is run by 2 Peer Facilitators who are using creativity to help them with their recovery.
The aims of the groups are:
Make connections;
Gain practical experience in creative expression;
Use creativity to improve wellbeing.
Unlock your creative potential.
These sessions will be delivered through Zoom (a free video conferencing system) and are fully interactive. All group members who book onto our sessions are expected to attend all of the sessions and participate in the activities and discussions to ensure everyone gets the most out of the session. Once you have signed up you will receive a Zoom invite via email so please do keep an eye!
For more information visit https://www.hertsviewpoint.co.uk/Event/creative-writing-and-poetry-for-north-hertfordshire-residents
Opportunity Location
Telephone: 01707 386 136
Email: info@hertsviewpoint.co.uk
Website: https://www.hertsviewpoint.co.uk/Event/creative-writing-and-poetry-for-north-hertfordshire-residents