Herts Memories

Herts Memories Hertfordshire's Community Archive Network

Herts Memories is a network of community archive websites.

The is a forum for local and family history as well as memories about life in Hertfordshire. Everyone is welcome to add their stories and photographs or add comments on existing articles. The sites in the network are maintained and developed by teams of volunteer editors and we're always on the look out for new people to join us.

Other memories websites around the county are part of the Herts Memories network and local groups engaged in reminiscence or history projects are encouraged to add their material to the sites or develop websites to become part of the network.

Find out more via the website link below, or get in touch with Marion Hill.

View my website http://www.hertsmemories.org.uk/

My Location

Hertfordshire Archives and Local Studies

Register Office Block
County Hall
Pegs Lane
SG13 8EJ

Telephone: 030 0123 4049
Email: marion.hill@hertfordshire.gov.uk
Website: http://www.hertsmemories.org.uk/

Profile Details
