Hertfordshire Music Service / Opportunities / Sat 14 Dec 2019
Crowdfunding for SEND young people

Herts Big Beautiful Noise
Hertfordshire Music Service is crowdfunding for a one day music making event at the Watford Colosseum for young people from ten SEND schools on the 8th July 2020.
Young people will work alongside professional musicians and artists, their teachers, young dance and music-making leaders from Silverbirch Dance and Herts Inclusive Theatre, young musicians from school and county orchestras, and older peers from other special schools.
The day will cost just over £8,400. Hertfordshire Music Service is putting in £2,000 in-kind costs. The Arts Council, as part of their ‘Our Music Crowd Fund’ launched to support crowdfunding projects of Music Education Hubs on Spacehive, a crowdfunding platform, has agreed funding of £3,209 as long as we get 21 backers on Spacehive and raise the remaining funding needed by December 2019.
Spacehive asked us why we think this is a great idea. We said:
‘This is a great idea because it will give SEND young people access to music making at the highest possible level. It will give them the opportunity to gain new skills and confidence in their abilities, make new friends, have fun and create unforgettable memories. It will give musicians, artists and young arts leaders experience and confidence in working with SEND young people. Families will see just how much their young person can achieve and raise awareness of other cultural activities they can participate in.’
The page on Spacehive is now live. We would be very grateful if you could have a look at the page at:
and consider making a pledge.
Thank you.
For more information visit https://www.spacehive.com/herts-big-beautiful-noise
Opportunity Location
Central Office
Hertfordshire Music Service
Birchwood Avenue
AL10 0PS
Email: suzanne.rider@hertfordshire.gov.uk
Website: https://www.spacehive.com/herts-big-beautiful-noise