Join us as we rehearse Vaughan Williams: A Sea Symphony Bernstein: Chichester Psalms on Saturday 1 October 2016, 10:30am - 1pm registration from 10:10am. at Bishop’s Hatfield Girls’ School, Woods Ave, Hatfield AL10 8NL
Have you ever dreamed of singing in a large choir?
If you sing already, or are thinking of returning to it, why not come along to our free open rehearsals and try us out? You'll certainly get a warm welcome!
Would you love to sing in amazing venues? Imagine – you too could soon be experiencing the thrill of our concerts as a performer – singing wonderful music in prestigious venues. If you enjoy singing and want to join one of the country’s best and friendliest large choirs then, subject to passing a singer-friendly audition, you could be part of our fantastic 2016/17 programme.
Please tell your friends! We are looking to enhance our pool of good singers and currently we have places in all voice parts – especially tenors and basses.
Want to know more?
Look at the video Passionate About Singing on our YouTube channel to hear what our singers love about the Chorus. www.youtube.com/user/hertfordshirechorus For more information, go to our website, phone us on 01462491647 or email us at membership@hertfordshirechorus.org.uk
For more information visit http://www.hertfordshirechorus.org.uk/join.htm