Hertford Writers' Circle / News / Wed 29 Jan 2020
Herts & Minds - new writing from 20 Herts writers

Herts & Minds is the latest anthology from Hertford Writers' Circle, with 30 new stories and poems by 20 authors, many inspired by the history and landscape of Hertfordshire.
Bestseller writer Michael Dobbs, author of ‘House of Cards’, who is patron of Hertford Writers’ Circle, says in his introduction that the book contains “Scintillating writing by truly talented authors.”
From ghost tales to visions of a dystopian future, explorations of history to celebrations of nature, the pieces in Herts & Minds will move the heart and intrigue the mind.
The book is on sale, price £4.99, from:
Leaf Bookshop, Old Cross Hertford tel 01992 217667
The Book Nook, 65 High St, Ware tel 01920 467597
Courtyard Arts, Port Vale, Hertford tel 01992 509596
Hertford Tourist Information Centre, 10-12 The Wash, Hertford tel 01992 584322
For more information visit http://www.hertfordwriterscircle.org/