Henry's designs

Henry's designs Henry Morris artists of the year

Henry designs are all original handmade using a technique of blending and bonding and fusing natural fibers together using a technique know as felting to create some of these unique designs

My Location

Henry Morris

21 rifle fields water street springwood huddersfield west Yorkshire

Telephone: 07931 000 546
Email: henrymorris36@gmail.com

Profile Details

My News

Publicity in Felt Matters magazine / <span itemprop="startDate" content="2019-10-24T00:00:00Z">Thu 24 Oct 2019</span>Publicity in Felt Matters magazine / Thu 24 Oct 2019

I am pleased to have been featured in Felt Matters magazine recently with an article about my work. If you would like to read the article you can rea...

My Events

Henry Morris felting workshops / <span itemprop="startDate" content="2019-03-22T00:00:00Z">Fri 22 Mar</span> to <span  itemprop="endDate" content="2019-05-03T00:00:00Z">Fri 03 May 2019</span> <span>(1 month)</span>Henry Morris felting workshops / Fri 22 Mar to Fri 03 May 2019 (1 month)

Felting workshops at the popup shop in the queensgate market running every Friday for two months from 9am till 5pm come down and create some felted ac...
