HelloWebDesign Freelance Web Designer and Programmer
I am a keen and enthusiastic young Web Developer called Joe and I live in Paignton.
My knowledge and understanding of web development has expanded dramatically over the past 7 years. As a self-taught designer and programmer, I have found myself getting more motivated, passionate and even excited about honing my skills to keep up with the ever changing web standards.
I enjoy reading up on how different sites are created and new design ideas are made, which is how I’ve learnt to produce complex as well as simple, aesthetically pleasing websites that have clean and understandable coding in various programming languages.
I am determined and my willingness to learn mean I am very excited to work with anyone on new sites and projects as well as redesign, maintain and bring pre-existing websites up to date. I accept any form of work as long as they don't promote, racism, sexism or any illegal content etc
My setup is ever growing and my knowledge or programs and languages is constantly building too.
For my designing I predominantly use Adobe Fireworks and Adobe Photoshop. Fireworks for design/layout structure and Photoshop for the advanced effects with brushes and image manipulation.
With programming I know various languages for both front end languages such as: HTML (inc HTML5), CSS (inc CSS3), JavaScript (inc jQuery), AJAX and JSON. My back end knowledge consists of PHP 5 and the use of MySQL databases to store data.
I created The Million Pixel Art Project (www.millionpixelartproject.com) - a unique art project where the world is the artist, while each contributor helps towards charity too! An up and coming new form of social networking site called uConnectr which brings networks from all around the world together as one platform for easy connection and communication.
My online personal portfolio can be seen at www.hellowebdesign.co.uk
View my website http://www.hellowebdesign.co.uk/
My Location
Paignton, UK
Email: joe@hellowebdesign.co.uk
Website: http://www.hellowebdesign.co.uk/
My Friends
Holli Jayne / Varied Artist
I l
The Quincies / Riviera Garage Rock
Paddy Turpin / Tattoo Apprentice