HellenMonkey Promotions / Events / Thu 19 to Sun 22 Nov 2015 (4 days)
This weekends live entertainment in kirklees & calderdale x

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Check them out on www.hellenmonkeypromotions.co.uk
Also here is your live entertainment for the Kirklees & Calderdale area this lovely wet weekend!
Im sure the local venues will have there cosy fires on and the bands will keep you dancing all night, so dont worry about the rain just grab your coat and get on out!
Gigs list on this facebook page HellenMonkey Live Band Promotion's
every Thursday, and all i ask is a bit of a share!
Now have a fantastic rocking weekend!!
For more information visit http://www.hellenmonkeypromotions.co.uk/
Event Location
Telephone: 07521 041 064
Email: hellenmonkey@hotmail.co.uk
Website: http://www.hellenmonkeypromotions.co.uk/