https://www.facebook.com/hellenmonkeypromotions will of been going for a year from this Sunday 16th August.... How mad is that for a hobbie!
Here is the original poster & Gig list and what they are now lmao
Also if you check the website, www.hellenmonkeypromotions.co.uk I never had to now having a full one, this is kinda crazy when I think I only started it because
"If i didn't know the Band or i didn't know the venue, then i didn't know it was going on!"
"Be Vocal To Save Your Local" is getting know wider and wider every day.
Lets see if im still around in another year! (fingers crossed)
For more information visit http://www.hellenmonkeypromotions.co.uk/
News Location
Telephone: 07521 041 064
Email: hellenmonkey@hotmail.co.uk
Website: http://www.hellenmonkeypromotions.co.uk/