HELEN SNELL / Events / Sat 23 Sep to Sat 11 Nov 2017 (2 months)
Gather-ing, Somerset Rural Life Museum

The large tithe barn at Stoke Sub Hamdon Priory, Somerset, is amongst a rare and unique group of medieval domestic and agricultural buildings. This was the focus of a contemporary craft project in 2015. The commissioned artworks will be touring and exhibited as part of Somerset Art Weeks 2017 at the Somerset Rural Life Museum in Glastonbury from
23 September – 11 November 2017 (Entry charges apply)
The title ‘Gather-ing’ references the function of a barn as a space to collect/bring/gather people, animals and crops, as well as a symbolic meeting place to gather for ritual celebration.
In 2015 artists Stewart Easton , Jacky Oliver, Helen Snell, Gillian Widden and Christopher Jelley were commissioned to make new work in response to the large tithe barn at Stoke Sub Hamdon Priory. Curated by Craftspace, initiated by Somerset Art Works in partnership with the National Trust.
Photo credit: Nisha Haq
Follow the artists blog at www.gather-ing.tumblr.com
For more information visit http://somersetartworks.org.uk/what-we-do/projects/current-projects/gather-ing/
Event Location
Somerset Rural Lfe Museum
Chilkwell Street, Glastonbury
Telephone: 01458 831 197
Email: srlm@swheritage.org.uk
Website: http://somersetartworks.org.uk/what-we-do/projects/current-projects/gather-ing/