Healthwatch Torbay / Events / Sat 23 Nov 2013
Devon Faith and Belief Festival

The annual Devon Festival of Faith and Belief is returning to Torbay after a 3 year absence, with a specially staged event at Paignton Library on Saturday November 23rd, during National Inter Faith Week.
Interfaith Week 2013 provides a special opportunity to increase awareness of the different and distinct communities in the UK, celebrating and building on the contribution which their members make to their neighbourhoods and to wider society. It can increase understanding between people of religious and non-religious beliefs.
In 2010 over two hundred people attended the Festival at Oldway Mansion, which included presentations about Sikhism, Faith & Climate Change & Misunderstandings about Islam. The last two years have seen it hosted at Plymouth University and the University of Exeter respectively.
This year's Festival is being hosted by Paignton Library and Torbay Inter-Faith Forum (TIFF), in partnership with independent health and social care watchdog, Healthwatch Torbay. The latter are donating their walk-in facility to the event.
Activities and presentations take place between 10.00am and 3.00pm, and there will be stands for information and literature about different religions and organisations.
For more information visit http://healthwatchtorbay.org.uk/index.php?mact=News,cntnt01,detail,0&cntnt01articleid=67&cntnt01returnid=63
Event Location
Paignton LIbrary
Paignton Library and Information Centre
Great Western Road
Telephone: 0800 052 0029
Email: info@healthwatchtorbay.org.uk
Website: http://healthwatchtorbay.org.uk/index.php?mact=News,cntnt01,detail,0&cntnt01articleid=67&cntnt01returnid=63