Are you looking for a choir to join? Perhaps you have never sung in a choir before or perhaps you are feeling a bit rusty? Look no further because HCS Voices are recruiting! You don’t need any previous experience and there is no audition. Our main purpose is to encourage everyone to sing.
HCS Voices is the academy choir of the Huddersfield Choral Society. At the moment, we sing on Zoom on Wednesday evenings from 7 – 8pm. Rehearsals are led by the professional choir trainer, Abi Kitching. She chooses lots of fun, but rewarding songs and will help to build your musical and singing skills. Above all, she will encourage you to have fun!
If you would like to join, or come along for a taster session, then please phone/text Helen on 07743 688233 or send us a message on Facebook HCS Voices | Facebook or Twitter, or fill in the form https://www.huddersfieldchoral.com/hcs-voices/.
You need to be over 18 to join.
As sessions are on Zoom, the cost for the term is only £40 (normally £60).
For more information visit https://www.huddersfieldchoral.com/hcs-voices/
Event Location
Online - Zoom
Telephone: 07743 688 233
Email: info@huddersfieldchoral.com
Website: https://www.huddersfieldchoral.com/hcs-voices/