Online music and movement sessions for children and their families
25 February 2021
Morning session: 10.30am – 11am, Suitable for under 5 year olds
Afternoon session: 2pm – 2.30pm, Suitable for primary aged children
Cost free.
Back by popular demand! We loved Jess Baker’s Music at Play sessions during hcmf// 2020 so much that we’ve invited her back to present two more. The groups are split into two age group and the level of the activity will be catered towards them.
Join songwriter and community musician, Jess Baker for a fun online music session for you and your child. Jess will guide us through each session with song, combining traditional tunes you will know and wonderful harmonised modern pieces to add to your repertoire at home. You might even learn some new dance moves.
These sessions will be held on Zoom, please get in touch with Learning and Participation Officer, Sophie Cooper, s.cooper@hud.ac.uk to book on.
Jess Baker is a singer, songwriter and community musician who believes that music should be accessible to all. She specialises in harmony group singing and runs workshops in mental health settings, prisons, and schools.
For more information visit https://hcmf.co.uk/workshop-opportunity-music-at-play/