hcmf// / Events / Sun 29 Nov 2015
Sound System Culture and Pop-Up Art School

Sunday 29 November
Creative Arts Building Atrium, 1pm - 4pm
This year, hcmf// will be working with the team that produced the book and film, Sound System Culture. The project documents and examines the culture that was thriving in Huddersfield in the 1970s and 1980s, initially developing from the Caribbean community in the area but eventually expanding until it became world-renowned in the global reggae and dub scene.
The Sound System Culture project has created a unique interactive sound system which will be housed at the Festival and will form the focus of this year's Pop-Up Art School, where we will explore the many different facets of the culture through engaging with music via art, media and crafts, facilitated by students from the PGCE Art, Design and Music programme. The Pop-Up will also provide a hands-on opportunity for you to interact directly with the sound system and make some noise! Dig out your old dub and reggae vinyl and join us!
Sound System Culture is a project developed by Let's Go Yorkshire which includes Heritage HiFi, a vintage-style sound system built by Paul Huxtable. This event has been kindly supported by the University of Huddersfield.
For more information visit http://hcmf.co.uk/Sound-System-Culture--Pop-Up-Art-School
Event Location
Creative Arts Building, University of Huddersfield
Creative Arts Building
University of Huddersfield
Telephone: 01484 471 116
Email: s.mcwatt@hud.ac.uk
Website: http://hcmf.co.uk/Sound-System-Culture--Pop-Up-Art-School