hcmf// / Events / Fri 16 to Sun 25 Nov 2018 (1 week)
Other times, other places

Open 11am – 4pm (closed Sunday & Monday)
Live performance by Angharad Davies (violin) & Tom Jackson (bass clarinet): Saturday 24 November, 2pm
The great stone circles Brodgar (Orkney Islands), Drombeg (Ireland) and Stonehenge (England) are physical landmarks and extraordinary spaces. According to archaeological studies, they were host to festivals, rituals and performances. In Other Times, Other Places, Christopher Fox reflects on these traditions with field recordings made in these settings, providing a musical journey through the topography of the British Isles. Fox’s recordings have been mixed and diffused through the performance space to produce an hour-long installation, inhabited by improvising musicians Angharad Davies and Tom Jackson. Other Times, Other Places will run throughout hcmf// 2018, for this live performance.
For more information visit https://hcmf.co.uk/event/other-times-other-places/
Event Location
Huddersfield Art Gallery
Princess Alexandra Walk
West Yorkshire
United Kingdom
Telephone: 01484 430 528
Email: info@hcmf.co.uk
Website: https://hcmf.co.uk/event/other-times-other-places/