In 2009, the Polish/Swedish/Japanese noise maverick Zbigniew Karkowski composed a monumental vocal-electronic piece for the Gęba vocal ensemble, a unique mark within the genre receiving its UK premiere at hcmf// 2017. Sonically related pieces from Polish Radio Experimental Studio’s Krzysztof Knittel and Gęba vocal ensemble’s director, Baskak, will supplement the darkness.
Tickets £12 (£9 concession / £9)
For more information visit http://hcmf.co.uk/event/14-karkowski-encumbrance/
Event Location
St Paul’s Hall
University of Huddersfield
West Yorkshire
United Kingdom
Telephone: 01484 430 528
Email: info@hcmf.co.uk
Website: http://hcmf.co.uk/event/14-karkowski-encumbrance/