25 November @ 7:00 pm
Free Event
Join us at hcmf//’s wrap party! Hosted at Huddersfield’s finest brewery, Magic Rock, we toast 10
days of new music with one final victory lap, bringing together festival friends for some extra
special performances and DJ sets.
Matt Wright’s discourteous turntablism weaves together scratch and loop in a noisy set that, if you
want, will damage your records irreparably. Bring down leftovers, hand-me-downs and the most
regretted purchases from your collection – Wright will use them in his plunderphonic performance
Fracture Mix, a live set of stop-start bombast and joyful noise.
Next on the decks is Mariam Rezaei, performer, composer and chief of TOPH. Rezaei’s improvisational
inclinations make her a formidable turntablist. This performance debuts her first solo turntable release BLUD, a cascade of bastardised noises with contributions from Rhodri Davies, Yol and TOPH – and she’ll also be rounding off the night with a freewheeling DJ set.
Soprano Peyee Chen joins us to deliver three staggering vocal pieces reaching above and beyond the
ordinary. Her performance features Jennifer Walshe’s Three Songs by Ukeoirn O’Connor, incorporating
a ukulele and a graphic score made by drawing pictures of mouths – the positions in which the
performer should sing – on to photos of landscapes. Also on display are Erin Gee’s Yamaguchi
Mouthpiece I, a musical meditation on phonetics and pronunciation,
and Michael Finnissy’s Same as We, a dramatic ‘theatrical monologue’ that creates new characters
and scenes with each performance.
hcmf// is also thrilled to welcome back funtime duo Christian Weber and Joke Lanz. A beguiling
combo with an ever-changing set-up, they graced 2017’s programme with an improvised set for
double-bass and turntables. Their plans for our special brew are tantalisingly TBA, but will likely
be full of chance action and intrigue.
For more information visit https://hcmf.co.uk/event/hcmf-special-brew/
Event Location
Magic Rock Tap Room
Willow Park Business Centre, Willow Lane,
Huddersfield, West Yorkshire United Kingdom
Telephone: 01484 430 528
Email: info@hcmf.co.uk
Website: https://hcmf.co.uk/event/hcmf-special-brew/