HCF Training and Development / Events / Wed 26 Feb 2020
Safeguarding adults at risk - level 1

Who the course is for
For all staff and volunteers working in a voluntary sector social care environment and who have not attended a course within the last 2 years.
N.B. This course is relevant for safeguarding leads/designated persons, but they should also attend the Designated Person training provided by HCF.
What previous delegates have said:
"I can really recommend this training day. I have attended others in the past but because there were attendees from very different organisations it was much more refreshing."
"Good balance of input and participation."
Course date: 26/02/2020
Start time: 9.30 (9.15 Registration)
End time: 16.00
Venue: Nigel Copping Community Building, Sanville Gardens, Stanstead Abbotts, Hertfordshire, SG12 8GA
Course Content:
How to define an Adult at Risk
How to identify if an adult is being abused or exploited
The Care Act 2014 & the HCC multi-agency policy and procedures
Who to talk to and what to do if you have concerns
Learning outcomes:
Know the three key criteria of an adult at risk
Name the key principles of safeguarding adults
Be able to identify different types of abuse
Recognise symptoms or indicators of abuse
Differentiate the three key roles in Safeguarding Adults
About the trainer:
Vivian Lawman is a PTLLS-trained experienced tutor, accredited by HCC to deliver level 1 and designated person Safeguarding adults at risk courses.
For more information visit http://www.hertscf.org.uk/safeguarding-adults-at-risk-level-1-26022020
Event Location
Nigel Copping Community Building
Sanville Gardens,
Stanstead Abbotts, Hertfordshire
SG12 8GA
Telephone: 01707 251 351
Email: hcftraining@hertscf.org.uk
Website: http://www.hertscf.org.uk/safeguarding-adults-at-risk-level-1-26022020