HCF Training and Development / Events / Wed 25 Mar 2020
Safeguarding adults at risk - designated person

Who the course is for
This course is aimed at the adult safeguarding lead (or designated person) in voluntary and community organisations. It is also relevant for managers/trustees wanting to accompany their lead or to find out about the role in order to appoint a lead.
All those wanting to attend this course must have completed a Level 1 Safeguarding Adults at Risk course in the last 2 years.
What previous delegates have said
"Any organisation that is working with the general public would benefit from this course - raising awareness and understanding when, how and who to raise concerns with is essential good practice."
"Viv Lawman is an excellent trainer who provides a new way of looking at a subject that is embedded, by bringing it to life and making it relevant."
Course date: 25/03/2020
Start time: 9.30, 9.15 Registration
End time: 13.30
Venue: Nigel Copping Community Building, Sanville Gardens, Stanstead Abbotts, Hertfordshire, SG12 8GA
Course content:
Overview of Hertfordshire Safeguarding Adults Board Multi Agency Policy and Procedure
Examination of the role and responsibilities of the Safeguarding Lead or Designated Person
Good practice for facilitating disclosure and recording
Reporting and Referral processes in Hertfordshire
Staying up-to-date with developments in safeguarding practice
Learning outcomes:
Know how to report and refer cases of suspected abuse or allegations
Understand how to provide support, advice and expertise within the organisation
Be able to provide feedback to your organisation on safeguarding procedures and training needs
Be prepared for potential investigations and enquiries
About the trainer:
Vivian Lawman - a PTLLS-trained experienced tutor, accredited by HCC to deliver Level 1 and Designated Person Safeguarding Adults at Risk courses.
For more information visit http://www.hertscf.org.uk/safeguarding-adults-at-risk---designated-person-25032020
Event Location
Nigel Copping Community Building
Sanville Gardens,
Stanstead Abbotts, Hertfordshire
SG12 8GA
Telephone: 01707 251 351
Email: hcftraining@hertscf.org.uk
Website: http://www.hertscf.org.uk/safeguarding-adults-at-risk---designated-person-25032020