Hatfield Town Centre / Opportunities / Fri 30 Sep 2016
Hatfield Christmas Market

We are looking for stallholders for our first Christmas Market - taking place on Saturday 10 December (10am-5pm) in Hatfield Town Centre. The market will include over 20 stalls and will run alongside our existing Saturday market, and will also include food/drink vendors, plus Christmas carols. Market stalls provided - pitches/stalls £25. If you are interested, please get in touch. Email: p.upson1@welhat.gov.uk
For more information visit http://www.hatfieldtown.co.uk/
Opportunity Location
Hatfield Town Centre
AL10 0LN
Telephone: 01707 357 574
Email: p.upson1@welhat.gov.uk
Website: http://www.hatfieldtown.co.uk/