HarpendenPublicHalls / Events / Sat 07 Apr 2018
Darkside: The Pink Floyd Show

Darkside present a tribute to the music of Britain’s greatest progressive rock band. After clocking up over 120 performances at theatres stretching from Brighton to Glasgow, Darkside makes its second appearance at the Public Halls.
Seven musicians will deliver a brand new show with tracks from the massive back-catalogue of Pink Floyd right from the early magical days of Pink Floyd founder Syd Barrett through to the Division Bell via the iconic 70s albums renowned for their complex structures such as the Dark Side of The Moon and Wish You Were Here.
As would be expected the show incorporates a spectacular and dramatic laser light show and evocative projected images and animated sequences on a circular screen made popular by Pink Floyd live performances.
For more information on Darkside check their website: www.darksidefloydshow.com
For more information visit http://www.harpendenpublichalls.co.uk/events/darkside-the-pink-floyd-show/
Event Location
Harpenden Public Halls
Southdown Road
Telephone: 01582 767 525
Email: hph@1life.co.uk
Website: http://www.harpendenpublichalls.co.uk/events/darkside-the-pink-floyd-show/