Harbour House / Events / Tue 15 to Sat 26 Sep 2015 (2 weeks)
Whatever the Weather

The subject of the weather starts many a conversation, often between complete strangers. It is of universal interest, affecting daily lives from the clothes we put on in the morning to whether to peg out the washing or prick out tender seedlings. We see, hear, taste and smell the weather through the effect it has on our environment and mood, from feeling "under the weather" to "making hay while the sun shines".
Ysabel Winzar and Hilary Soper explore this theme through paintings, original prints, sketches and assemblages which have emerged during their working times together.
Opening View: Tuesday 15 September, 6 - 8 pm.
Both artists have a long-term fascination with weather and weather lore - especially important as sailors and gardeners - and have worked their shared addiction to the Shipping Forecast, proverbs and age-old sayings into a collaborative work of small etchings which builds a picture that will cover "four seasons in a day".
Sketching in the field has its weather limitations, from fog "thick as pea soup" to "rain before 7, fine by 11". Always changing, from the need for sun hats at Start Point to seeking shelter from the strong East wind at lambing time. (After a couple of hours drawing, a snug kitchen and pot of tea was required, inspiring Ysabel's image "a storm in a teacup", which brewed up over political discussion just before the general election!)
People, as forms, appear very differently huddled in oilskins, hidden by umbrellas or sunbathing on the beach, and they have their place in a wide-ranging show which celebrates the variety, danger, pleasure, humour and frustration of weather in our lives.
"Whether the weather be fine,
Or whether the weather be not,
Whether the weather be cold,
Or weather the weather be hot,
We'll weather the weather, whatever the weather,
Whether we like it or not."
For more information visit http://www.harbourhouse.org.uk/gallery-whatevertheweather15.html