Harbour House / Events / Wed 14 to Fri 23 Jan 2015 (1 week)
Warning: Artists at Work

Have you ever wondered what artists do all day? Now’s your chance to find out
Wendy Chudley and Cherry Lyons are excited to be ‘artists-in-residence’ and will be converting the gallery at Harbour House into their working studio. Visitors to the studio gallery will be welcome to come and see these successful, award-winning artists at work, creating paintings from start to finish in a variety of media. Pop in for a chat and learn about their practice, and how they explore ideas and focus their inspiration into making new and dynamic work.
We have been asked on many occasions if we teach. So, during our residency, we will also be celebrating the launch of our new workshop programme which will appeal to both the novice and the more experienced, and which will be held in the Harbour House Art Studio. This is not to be missed. A range of our original, affordable paintings, prints and cards will also be available during this time.
Open 10am - 4pm
For more information visit http://www.harbourhouse.org.uk/g16-cherrylyonswendychudley.shtml