Harbour House / Events / Tue 01 to Sun 13 Oct 2019 (2 weeks)
Stretching Boundaries

Following a well-received exhibition at Harbour House in 2017, Stretching Boundaries brings Frank Wotton, Kath Pelforth and Clare Pumfrey together again with an exploration of media and the diverse approaches to forming the visual image.
Frank Wotton continues to explore the depiction of the human form with paint on canvas.
Clare Pumfrey extends her work with figures, drawing and painting with an emphasis on the final image surface. She explores the potential of losing the image in the process and regaining it, profiting from the development of marks.
Kath Pelforth pursues the potential of discarded objects and materials in her paintings, prints and assemblages, encouraging the viewer to appreciate their aesthetic and narrative qualities when given a different context.
For more information visit https://www.harbourhouse.org.uk/g19-sb.shtml