Harbour House / Events / Tue 11 to Sat 15 Dec 2012 (5 days)
Rural and Coastal Connections

An exhibition featuring works by four Devon artists, who come together to share and express their passion for their immediate environment: the coastline landscape of the South Hams.
'Meet the Artists': Saturday 15 December, 2 - 4 pm
Lydia Milford works in water-based media, mainly ink and gouache on paper, to produce large, gestural pieces focusing on Dartmoor, its rivers and valleys as well as the open moor, and making particular responses to changes in season and climate.
Gina Bastard shows new work in clay, collage, mixed media and felting.
"Tapping into the energy and beauty of nature is a constant source of happiness and possibility. The synergy expressed I hope the viewer finds tangible."
Sarah Brown produces mixed media seascapes, and landscapes with the recurring theme of the hare as a symbol of rebirth and fertility. She works directly onto a glass surface, layering paints, papers, threads, foil and fabric to build up a slightly three dimensional image full of light and depth, reflective fragments and vibrant colour.
Elen Claire Williams is a walking artist who engages with the local environment through a series of walks, both real and conceptual. 'Ways with Landscape' is the collective title she gives to the range of media she uses to record personal responses to her engagement with the environment: painting, photography, printmaking, mixed media works, and text works incorporating words, textiles and landscape interventions. From a larger body of work, Claire will show mixed media landscapes in this exhibition, and 'Walking Between the Waters', a limited edition 'first impression' book which chronicles a personal walk through local farmland and landscape.
For more information visit http://www.harbourhouse.org.uk/gallery-ruralcoastalconnections12.html