Harbour House / Events / Fri 07 to Sun 16 Aug 2015 (1 week)
Retro 10: an Exhibition by Rosie Burns

25 years since she sold her first painting, Harbour House welcomes Rosie Burns for her tenth annual exhibition at the Kingsbridge art gallery.
Although her work is constantly evolving, a significant part of Rosie’s 2015 exhibition will be devoted to a retrospective collection, a gathering and borrowing of key works of art from her thirty years of painting, printmaking and sculpting.
“I have a massive catalogue of sketchbooks going back to the first decade of my life, and I would like to gather, curate and share the development of the observations and expressions that make up my work. Obsessive creative is probably and accurate description.”
Rosie’s eclectic body of work typically includes printmaking, ceramics, woodcarving, and painting in oils and watercolours. A new body of work explores the skies that have become such a feature of her recent exhibitions.
Having moved from south Devon via north Devon to Southend-on-Sea, Rosie’s proximity to London has given a darker edge to her work, the view across to the industrial skyline of Kent adding interest to the point where sky, sea and land meet. But she plans to return to the West and a more gentle pace of life.
For more information visit http://www.harbourhouse.org.uk/gallery-rosieburns15.html