Harbour House / Events / Sat 23 Mar to Wed 17 Apr 2013 (4 weeks)

Open Art Exhibition
Springtime suggests thoughts of renewal and regeneration in the natural world, and is always a popular theme for artists.
But have you considered creative ways of incorporating these themes into your art work? Recycling images you may have used previously, perhaps in collage, montage or papier maché, or using found objects to create sculpture or mixed media works, would all fit our theme of Renewal.
You can enter up to four pieces of work in any medium.
Our selectors hope to see bright, fresh new works exploring the theme of Renewal, as well as works showing a more literal interpretation of recycling and regeneration.
Pick up a brochure or see our website for full conditions of entry.
The exhibition is open Monday - Saturday, 10 am - 5 pm.
Opening View: Friday 23 March, 6 - 7.30 pm
For more information visit http://www.harbourhouse.org.uk/gallery-renewal2013.html