Harbour House / Events / Tue 26 Jun to Sun 08 Jul 2012 (2 weeks)
Press Gang - Salcombe Printmakers

Press Gang's annual summer exhibition of printmaking features the work of ten local artists.
For the last fourteen years Mike Glanville has run a printmaking workshop at Salcombe Art Club, and the artists involved form a lively group, sharing ideas and techniques in the mutually supportive and creative environment of the Loft Studio.
With a firm grounding in traditional printmaking techniques, the artists often take a contemporary, experimental approach to their work, and this year sees the results of experiments with polyester plate lithography. The exhibition also includes a wide range of approaches to relief and intaglio printmaking, such as lino and wood cut, drypoint and collagraph, and monoprint and monotype.
Members of Press Gang will be in the gallery throughout the fortnight, and will be happy to explain how printing plates are made, and how ink is transferred from plate to paper, creating each time an original work of art.
For more information visit http://www.harbourhouse.org.uk/gallery-PressGang12.html