Harbour House / Events / Fri 01 to Wed 27 Apr 2011 (4 weeks)
Open Space

Open Art Exhibition
Local artists have been challenged to produce new works of art in response to the theme Open Space. Works may be in any medium, and while selectors are expecting some stunning open landscapes, vast seascapes and dramatic skies, we are also intrigued to see how artists approach the concept in less obviousl ways, such as sculpture and abstract art.
It's not too late to prepare work for entry on Monday 28 March (strictly between 9.30 am and 12 noon).
The show will be opened by the artist Rosie Burns, well known for her dramatic cloud paintings, in an Opening View on Thursday 31 March from 6 - 8 pm.
There will be a gallery talk at 11 am on Saturday 2 April. Everybody is welcome to this informal event, where the guest speaker, author Michael Elsmere, will reflect on selected works in the show, and will welcome discussion.
The exhibition runs over the busy Easter period, from 1 - 27 April, opening Mon - Sat, 10 am - 5 pm.
For more information visit http://www.harbourhouse.org.uk/gallery-OpenSpace11.html