Harbour House / Events / Tue 12 to Sat 16 Mar 2019 (5 days)

Making Waves

Making Waves

An exhibition of A Level art and photography by students of Kingsbridge Community College.

Exploring structures as a theme and shooting on the roof of Exeter Cathedral the Year 12 photographers have been learning traditional darkroom photography techniques, while under the guidance of professional photographer Eliot Siegel they have been learning about studio portrait photography. The students are constantly engaged in a creative practice and critical analysis that develops and informs their creative responses through a broad range of photographic mediums.

The Year 12 art course begins with a foundation-style approach and the opportunity to explore painting, photography, printmaking and portraiture. Like the photographers the students explored the theme of structures, with studies begun in Exeter Cathedral and developed through an etching workshop with the artist Allison Sylvester.

The Year 13 art and photography students are in the process of completing the final outcomes for their personal investigations, with themes ranging from movement and futurism, colour and abstraction to projects exploring texture, architecture, book cover illustration and portraiture.

For more information visit https://www.harbourhouse.org.uk/g19-kcc.shtml

Event Location

Harbour House

Telephone: 01548 854 708
Email: info@harbourhouse.org.uk
Website: https://www.harbourhouse.org.uk/g19-kcc.shtml
