Harbour House / Events / Tue 28 Jul to Wed 05 Aug 2015 (1 week)
Island Artist: an Exhibition by Emma Carter

‘I love big stormy seas, wild winds, and the raw coastline of the South West in the winter and the endless blue of hazy summer days. Burgh Island is a very special place to me.
I never tire of this region’s rich inspiration. I like empty beaches where I can swim on hot sunny English days, and big wide skies that offer up a myriad of colours. I like tides coming in and watching tides going out. I dream, I think, I paint. I paint what I love. I try to translate that free-spirited essence that I think we all crave from time to time.
I like to express emotion in my practice, to let loose with a brush, rag or hands sometimes on a canvas, to give relief from all that ties us down to an otherwise ordinary life. I paint natural wild places that I myself return to time and time again and as I paint from my mind in my studio, I have at least a thousand paintings waiting to be painted, I hope I am lucky enough to grow old enough to fulfil that ambition and have the courage to always challenge myself as an artist.’
Emma has worked as an artist for twenty years and her paintings can be found in private collections at home and abroad.
For more information visit http://www.harbourhouse.org.uk/gallery-emmacarter15.html