Harbour House / Events / Sat 11 to Sun 19 Feb 2012 (1 week)
Formations in Nature - Susan Ash, Sara Gilbert & Graham Gilbert

An exhibition which explores, through painting, photography, printmaking and mixed media works, the diverse forms that occur in the elements that make up the natural world.
Susan Elizabeth Ash shows a range of photographs, paintings and drawings, with themes ranging from abstracted landscapes and flowers to more fictionalised images of dreams, thoughts and feelings.
“I am always following the call of soul and spirit wherever it manifests – in the fleeting play of light on landscape, the soar of seagulls, or the images conjured by a word or phrase.”
Sara Gilbert explores the natural world through energetic and dynamic painting and printmaking, typically a 'freeze-frame' of natural phenomena, an emotional response to her surroundings.
"My work is influenced by natural land formations and elements, the flux of land and water, paths formed by erosion. Fluidity and solidity, where things dissolve into each other: land, sky and sea. I enjoy the patterns and colours that I see in the landscape, often abstracting the essence of a place. Larger paintings often capture the feeling of movement, usually executed quickly and spontaneously."
Graham Gilbert's photography tends to be more abstract than figurative, and he is keen to record images that other people might miss. He seeks out more painterly images, enjoying the quirky pictures obtained from close observation, and often rotating the image to create a more interesting composition.
For more information visit http://www.harbourhouse.org.uk/gallery-GGilbertSGilbertSAsh12.html