Harbour House / Events / Tue 26 Apr to Wed 04 May 2016 (1 week)
Figuratively Speaking

This exhibition presents four diverse responses to the challenging subject of the human form.
Sue Steele, John Weston, Helen Petit and Neil Anderson have taken the life model as the basis for their work, in the tradition of artists throughout the centuries.
From a common starting point they have pursued their own directions in a wide range of media. Their work is innovative and varied, from Sue's large, dramatic drawings to John's intimate oils, from Helen's subtle portraits to Neil's sculptures and bold charcoal drawings.
Formal figure drawing allows the artist to make a series of studies in a relatively short time. These can stand alone or can inspire more formal studio pieces, and both approaches are represented in this exhibition.
Life Drawing sessions at Harbour House in Kingsbridge have been running since the inception of the centre nearly 20 years ago, and have inspired all four of these artists, and this body of work confirms that the discipline and scope of working from the life model is still very much alive and relevant in 2016.
For more information visit http://www.harbourhouse.org.uk/g16-figurativelyspeaking.shtml